Is It Menopause or a Thyroid Problem in Marietta, GA | Menopause and Thyroid

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Is It Menopause or a Thyroid Problem?

Woman checking her thyroid glas but may be menopause.

Hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes are experienced during menopause, and also if you have a thyroid condition. It can be almost impossible for people to know based on symptoms alone if they experience one condition or another. It’s not uncommon for women to question if they are going through menopause or experiencing a thyroid problem. If you’ve noticed changes in your body that have you perplexed, know that you aren’t alone. Many patients who enter our office are often coming in with the same question: is it menopause or thyroid?

While these two conditions are very different, they do have similar symptoms. This makes sense because they both impact different hormones in the body. Here we will take a closer look at the differences between menopause and thyroid issues and how you can be proactive in your health. Understanding the difference between the two and how they impact your life can go a long way to early detection and diagnosis.

How to Tell The Difference Between Thyroid Issues and Menopause?

As mentioned, thyroid issues and menopause can carry many of the same symptoms. While you may not be able to feel the difference, your doctor will be able to diagnose the problem based on a series of blood tests. To better understand the difference, you must first take a look at thyroid issues and how they impact the body.

Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much hormone. Symptoms associated with this condition can feel very similar to menopause, including hot flashes, heart palpitations, and insomnia. However, you’ll also notice additional symptoms such as an enlarged thyroid gland, sudden unexplained weight loss, and bulging eyes.

Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid, occurs when not enough hormone is produced. Without proper treatment, it can lead to a host of medical issues, including the risk of heart disease or osteoporosis. The condition can also mimic menopause with symptoms such as fatigue, menstruation interruptions, weight gain, and mood swings.

Menopause: Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone, and her period completely stops. Typically women experience this during their 40s or 50s, but it can occur earlier. A woman is considered menopausal if she has not had a period in 12 months. Keep in mind; this process can take years to complete with sporadic symptoms throughout.

While women in their 40s and 50s may assume that their symptoms are menopause-related, and younger women may assume that they have symptoms associated with thyroid issues, it’s always important to consult your doctor when changes in your body occur. Remember, only proper testing can identify the root cause of your symptoms.

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Can Menopause Cause Hypothyroidism?

There has been discussion about the link between hypothyroidism and menopause. It is true that in the time leading up to menopause, estrogen levels drop, which can impact thyroid hormone levels. However, it is determined that more research should be conducted to fully understand the relationship between the two and whether or not one may cause the other.

Can Menopause Affect Thyroid Medication?

In some cases, thyroid medication may be affected by menopause. Typically, L-Thyroxine is the first treatment option for women who have an underactive thyroid and are going through menopause. However, if patients are taking sex hormone replacement therapy, there may be a need for a higher dose of thyroid medication. Keep in mind, over-treatment of L-thyroxine for menopausal women may lead to health issues such as bone loss or heart issues. Your doctor will closely monitor any medications and make adjustments as needed. If you have a thyroid condition and take medication for the symptoms, then you should consult your doctor about any perceived changes.

What is a Menopause and Hypothyroidism Diet?

A healthy diet is one of the most beneficial things that anybody can do for their health but is especially critical if you are going through menopause or have a thyroid condition. While there is no specific diet regime to follow, there are a few guidelines to consider. Implementing a healthy diet may help reduce some of the symptoms associated with each condition.

First, it’s important to recognize that thyroid issues and menopause can both impact your metabolism. This means that it may be easier for your body to gain and hold on to weight. For this reason, you should always ensure that you’re eating the recommended amount of calories and nutrients that your body needs to thrive. As your metabolism slows down, you may not be able to consume as much sugar or starches. Avoid processed foods that don’t nourish your body, as these are typically empty calories. As a rule of thumb, you should focus on consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats.

Supplements may also be helpful if you are going through menopause or have a thyroid condition. Iodine, selenium, and zinc are all beneficial for people who are experiencing thyroid issues.

While diet is certainly important, make sure that you’re also getting plenty of exercise. Cardio is an excellent way to boost your metabolism and keep your body active and healthy. Other tips for maintaining a healthy weight include getting plenty of rest, minimizing your stress levels, practicing mindful eating, and making lifestyle changes that best support your health goals.

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It’s not uncommon for people to mistaken menopause symptoms for thyroid symptoms or vise versa. If you’ve noticed changes in your body, then it’s time to speak with your doctor. Everybody deserves to have a clear understanding of their health and the best treatment plan moving forward.

Nore is dedicated to helping women take control of their health. We are here to offer the guidance and support that you need as you discover more about what your body needs. If you’re concerned about thyroid issues or menopause, reach out to us today. We are happy to schedule an appointment and get you on the right track to a healthier you

3405 Dallas Highway, Suite 200
Marietta, Georgia 30064

1357 Hembree Road Suite 235
Roswell, Georgia 30076