Support the Sexual Assault Awareness Month of April

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Now accepting new appointments.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month


Support for survivors

Support for survivors of sexual violence continues to expand as awareness, prevention, and accountability rise. At Nore Women’s Health, we are uniquely positioned to aid those who are dealing with physical difficulties stemming from sexual assault. Survivors of this type of violence can have a range of symptoms related to this trauma and they can often affect their quality of life for many years.

Who does sexual violence impact?

Victims of sexual violence include people of all ages, races, genders, and religions. One out of every six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.

 Sexual violence impacts every community. The impact on society is devastating and it creates an environment of fear and oppression, rather than safety and trust.

Through private consultations held separately from exams, Nore creates a comfortable and safe environment within our offices. Building a trusting relationship with each patient is an important part of our company culture. Our knowledgeable practitioners listen to each person’s individual needs in order to recommend the best possible treatment.

What are the physical impacts of sexual assault?

Each survivor has their own reaction to sexual violence. There may be an immediate reaction, or the effects can be delayed and happen at any time during their life.

Immediate physical impacts can include personal injuries, concerns about pregnancy, or risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. Long-term effects may include sexual dysfunction, insomnia, and trouble with menstrual cycles, among others. Survivors of sexual assault often experience difficulties in future sexual relationships, which may bring back difficult memories of incidents of assault. 

How can we support survivors?

We can help survivors in many ways. Sexual violence has often been ignored or marginalized by society. Thankfully this is changing. This is largely due to the media’s involvement in choosing to highlight sexual violence as an important topic in our society. Social norms are changing. Abusers are being held accountable for their actions, even those with powerful positions in society. There is less tolerance for oppression and subjugation of women. Blogs, support groups, rallies, etc. have made it possible for survivors to tell their stories in a safe environment and raise awareness. Hopefully, this will encourage survivors to speak up and seek help.

Knowing that there could be a solution to the physical effects of such a tragic event can go a long way towards healing. If you or someone you know could benefit from hearing what options could help you, please call Nore and set up a consultation with one of our providers. By focusing on individual symptoms we can create the plan that will best benefit your health. 

If I am a victim of sexual violence, how can I ask for help?

liveSAFE Resources, located right here in Cobb County, is an organization that provides services that increase awareness and reduce the occurrence of sexual assault. They are committed to providing safety and healing to those impacted by this terrible violence.

Among their services, liveSAFE offers SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) exams. These forensic nurses have received special training to conduct sexual assault evidentiary exams for sexual assault victims. 

Nore Women’s Health is proud to be able to offer follow-up care to victims who are working through the healing process with liveSAFE Resources. Together we can create a supportive environment and help victims of sexual assault get their lives back.

There is also a national network of community-based rape crisis centers, with centers available in every state and territory. These centers exist across the United States to provide supportive services to victims of sexual assault. While the specific services available vary by location, services are confidential and may include:

  • Advocacy and support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault,
  • Forensic exams and accompaniment during medical exams and law enforcement interviews,
  • Education and confidential support from a trained staff member to help you talk through what happened,
  • Information about the laws in your community,
  • Follow-up services to help with the next steps towards healing,
  • and referrals to other resources.

The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN), organizes the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline. The Hotline is a referral service that can put you in contact with your local rape crisis center. There are 3 ways to contact RAINN:

Are there volunteer opportunities?

While Nore does not utilize volunteers in our offices, there is definitely a need. The more volunteers and sponsors who decide to take action and make change, the closer we get to ending sexual violence.

Search for volunteer opportunities near you.

How can I get support from Nore Women’s Health?

We are ready to talk whenever you are.

Call us at (678) 802-8665 to set up a private consultation to discuss how we can help you Be Your Most®.

3405 Dallas Highway, Suite 200
Marietta, Georgia 30064

1357 Hembree Road Suite 235
Roswell, Georgia 30076