With age comes change, especially if you’re a woman. Consider a woman in her fabulous 40s. Perhaps this is where you are in life presently, or were just a few years ago. You feel invincible – after all, these are great years. But subtle changes in your health are occurring and have been for some time.
This health shift can inevitably lead to symptoms that, if left untreated, can leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin:
- Hot Flashes: Many women experience hot flashes perimenopause and 80 percent have them during menopause.
- Sleep Disturbances: 50 percent of women develop sleep disorders associated with menopause.
- Low Libido: Declining due to high-stress levels and hormonal changes.
- Stress: Especially high because of worries about family, health, career, and finances.
- Depression: More likely now than later in life.
There’s a whole world of specialized care women need as they age, and that’s where we come in.
At this point in life, the focus of your overall health should shift to preventive care to optimize your health and make the most of the years to come. At Nore, we offer transformative therapies across four main areas of women’s wellness:
Menopause & Hormones:
With menopause management and hormone replacement therapies, including bioidentical pellet therapy, we treat a range of symptoms, leading up to and during your menopausal years: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal changes, headaches, skin changes, and more.
Pelvic & Bladder Health:
If you’re suffering from involuntary leakage, drying or thinning vaginal tissue, weakening pelvic floor, or frequent urinary tract infections, treatment is available. Our dedicated clinicians can help you better understand these issues and employ therapies for your specific needs.
Vaginal & Sexual Health:
If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, painful intercourse or decreased sexual desire, we offer hormonal and non-hormonal therapies, to treat your symptoms. Our therapies include the latest non-invasive vaginal laser treatments (MonaLisa Touch® and ThermiVa®) and the O-Shot® which are virtually painless and require little to no recovery time. See our blog for more detail about these treatment options.
Lifestyle Health:
A forward-thinking approach to a healthy and active lifestyle will keep you at your best and help tackle common issues like fatigue, weight gain, and loss of concentration. Our therapies include wellness exams, weight management, as well as a focus on wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention.
Learn more about our transformative pathway to healthcare and wellness, advanced treatments, and female focus. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start feeling like your old self again. We look forward to meeting you!